Monday, 20 December 2010

Attack of the Procrastination

Hello, all! :)

I'm so happy about the end of term that I can't focus on any schoolwork. I think this is just one of those things that folk get when it's the end of the year, you know that it's almost time to put away the homework/uniform etc. and have some fun for a while and you can't wait for it to finally happen! So, I figured I may as well take some time from the complete procrastination of the past half hour or so to talk for a little bit ^_^

So, if you haven't read the little bit of info about me, my name is Tammy. I'm 17 (Soon to be 18... God, that's scary!) and in my final year of high school. One of the things I love more than anything else in the world is writing, and after reading and enjoying the blog entries of my friend's mum Lynne, I think it might be a little fun to start a blog of my own.

Of course, my blog has to have a little bit of a geeky twist to it. The title of each entry is probably going to sound a little bit like a B-movie title, there'll probably be a number of obscure references (I'll try to keep these to a bare minimum.) and hopefully there'll be a lot of geeky, silly fun!

Hopefully this dosen't get boring, and I hope someone'll get around to reading and enjoying this ^-^

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